Shopping Center Appraisal Services
The appraisal of shopping centers is an area of specialization for our firm. Be it a small strip mall, neighborhood or community shopping center, regional, super-regional or lifestyle center, and any other kind of specialty shopping center or mall, our firm has decades of experience and in-depth expertise.
We routinely appraise existing properties and proposed construction of all types of small and large shopping centers for the purpose of financing, purchase, sale, litigation, estate planning and more. Your appraisal will be performed by a Illinois State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser with all the certifications required by lenders, courts, tax agencies and the like.
During your free consultation, your appraiser will discuss with you the overall scope of the work and your desired reporting format for your appraisal, to ensure that your end result is tailored to your needs and specifications.
Required Documentation
Once we begin the appraisal process, your appraiser will need to examine your current rent roll, tenant leases, income and expense reports for at least two years, and any statements of reimbursement to the owner such as real estate taxes, maintenance, insurance, etc., along with a statement of percentage of sales to the owner if applicable. Your appraiser will also schedule a site visit to conduct the appraisal inspection.
Valuation Method
Although the direct capitalization approach is often used for certain types of retail properties, a more complex and reliable method is needed for valuation of multi-tenant retail properties, whose value is almost always based primarily on income generation. Therefore, your appraiser will most likely employ the income capitalization approach using a discounted cash flow analysis, which consistently results in the most reliable valuations for this type of property.
Secondary Appraisal Methods
To support valuations arrived at using the income capitalization method, the sales comparison approach may also be applied as a secondary process. In the case of new construction, the cost method may be used; however, it is also only a secondary valuation approach.
Your appraiser can tailor your final report to fit a variety of formats to meet your specific needs and budget, while still conforming to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). All or our appraisal reports are of the highest professional quality, and meet the requirements of all local, state and federal guidelines and regulations.
Call our office today and make an appointment for a free consultation, and one of our seasoned shopping center appraisal experts will be happy to discuss your specific appraisal needs and requirements.
Appraisal Services
- Property Valuation
- Market Value Appraisals
- Retrospective Value Appraisals
- Prospective Value Analysis
- Portfolio Valuation
- Appraisal Review
- Partial or Fractional Interest Valuation
- Consulting & Market Research
- Market Analysis
- Economic Analysis
- Feasibility Analysis
- Marketability Studies
- Absorption Studies
- Highest and Best Use Analysis
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Cash Flow Modeling
- Developer Consulting
- Due Diligence
- Market Rent Studies
- Leased Fee & Leasehold Analysis
- Litigation Support
- Eminent Domain
- Environmentally Impaired
- Easement Valuations
- Expert Witness Testimony
- Mediation / Arbitration Support